Register now at:
- 6U - $125 -- for girls born between 9/1/2017 and 8/31/2021
- 8U - $170 -- for girls born between 9/1/2015 and 8/31/2018
- 10U - $170 -- for girls born between 9/1/2013 and 8/31/2015
- 13U - $170 -- for girls born between 9/1/2010 and 8/31/2013
- 18U - $170 -- for girls born between 9/1/2005 and 8/31/2010
Evaluations will be at Extra Innings Indy South (5545 S Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46217 on Saturday April 12th.
- 8U last name starting A-N 12:00 – 2:00
- 8U last name starting O-Z 2:00 – 4:00
- 10U 4:00-6:00
- 13U 10:00-12:00
Scheduled events ** games that are rained out will be rescheduled, when possible, practices will not**
- 6U – 3 practices, 10 games
- 8U – 6 practices, 12 games, single elimination tournament
- 10U - 6 practices, 12 games, single elimination tournament
- 13U - 6 practices, 12 games, single elimination tournament
- 18U – 3 practices, 10 games
Important League Dates:
- 4/9/2025 - 8U, 10U, 13U registration closes
- 4/12/2025 – 8U, 10U, 13U evaluations
- 4/14/2025 – 4/16/2025 – 8U, 10U, 13U drafts
- 4/18/2025 – 8U, 10U, 13U players notified of their team and schedule
- 4/21/2025 – 8U, 10U, 13U practices begin
- 5/5/2025 – 8U, 10U, 13U games begin
- 5/11/2025 – 6U/18U registration closes
- 5/15/2025 – 6U/18U players notified of their team and schedule
- 5/19/2025 – 6U/18U practices begin
- 5/27/2025 – 6U/18U games begin
- 6/3/2025 & 6/4/2025 – CGLL Picture Day
- 6/23/2025 – 8U, 10U, 13U tournament begins
- 6/25/2025 – 8U, 10U, 13U season ends (rainout during tournament week could push this back to 6/29)
- 7/3/2025 – 6U, 18U season ends
All players will receive an end of season award (rings for 1st & 2nd place in 8U, 10U, and 13U, commemorative rings for all 18U players, and trophies for all other registered players).